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關於時間 About time 系列


“Time is an illusion.” ― Albert Einstein


本系列作品由兩個主題:「時間玩家」( Time palyer) 與「時間靜止中」( The still time)組成。「時間玩家」意圖使用幽默的插畫構圖傳達在「時間」這個有限度的自由概念中,人可能會如何運用及對待時間,而當我們覺得所謂有效率的運用時間的同時是否也被「時間」是有限的這個概念玩弄了而不自覺。


 There are two themes for this series:“ Time Player” and“ The Still Time”.

“Time Player” used pocket watch and hands, the former represents the concept of time, while the latter plays with it . In order to symbolise the relationship between modern people and time. Humour illustrations were used to express how people utilise and tr eat “Time”, how our ideas of using time efficiently, might as well be pr oofs of us being f ooledby such limited yet free concept.


Once upon a Time

庫存單位: 364215376135191
  • Size: 6"

    Material: Wooden Hoop, Cotton and linen fabric, Cotton floss


    One of the kind and ready to hang

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